Sunday, May 24, 2020

What did I learn today 6

What did I learn at this hour?
During my sixth hour of coding, I've been tough that there are two different types of HTML, Semantic and Non-Semantic. During this time, I learnt about Semantic, why? it is basically better, and it is for three reasons: Accessibility, SEO and Easy to Understand. Semantic HTML introduces meaning to a webpage, it has a modern standard and makes it accessible to people who used screen readers. Header, nav, main and footer create the basic structure of a webpage, but it is also formed by "section, article, aside, figure, figcaption, figure, video, embed and audio".

What did I learn today 5

What did I learn at this hour?
Have you ever had the doubt of how login pages work, why the limit you for a certain type of characters and a certain amount of them? During this hour a learnt that all the answers lie in validation. With adding certain terms like "required", "max", "min", "minlength", "maxlenght" and "pattern". These quick checks help ensure that input data is correct and safe for our servers. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sketchup 3


Sketchup 2


What did I learn today 4

What did I learn at this hour?
In my fourth lesson, I've learnt how to create a website, from making it detect usernames and passwords. Also, as we've seen in places like McDonald's where there are "machines" that you can use to select what you want to buy, here gave me the opportunity of learning how to give options to users, like lists, range, number, checkbox and radio. Last but not less important, a textarea, is a text input field that has a customizable area.